When disaster hits, we want to be able to respond and help our BIC brothers and sisters around the world. When lands are hit with floods, hurricanes, earthquakes, and most recently, global pandemics swift action and financial aid is required. Disasters are never scheduled and seldom fit into existing budgets. The Global Relief Fund is designed as a financial response tool for those unplanned natural disasters that affect our global family. When disaster strikes, we don’t have the time to undertake a fundraising campaign as the first few hours and days are often critical to helping people and saving lives. By giving to this fund, you allow us to create a reserve of monies that can be deployed quickly when and where needed most.
In recent months, our Global Relief Fund was used to meet needs that developed as a result of Cyclone Freddy, the longest lasting cyclone in recorded history, that brought incredible damage to central and Southern Africa. Some of those affected were the believers in the BIC church of Malawi. We used our Global Relief Fund to help them and this is the message I received.
On behalf of Malawi BIC, and indeed on my own behalf, we would like to thank you so much for the timely support. With this support, we will be able to meet some needs of the Cyclone Freddy victims. Currently Freddy has left 676 dead. Out of this number 21 people were our church members. 538 people are still missing. The number of displaced people due to disaster grew to 659,278 in 747 camps. Children’s education has also been interrupted, with schools being used as displacement sites. Once again thank you so much and may God bless you and the larger church. Please pass my greetings to everyone.
Francis Kamoto
Currently, we are receiving requests from Malawi, Zambia and Zimbabwe about very difficult drought conditions. Once church leader in Zambia wrote and said, “This is the worst drought since since 1991. The maize crop this year is a massive failure, which in countries where subsistence farming is the primary occupation of approximately than 70% population – is disastrous.”
I am write with a heavy heart because of what is prevailing in our country due to lack of rains. People had planted for both consumption and surplus. But alas, a drought came and our crops have dried up. As a result of this in some places hunger has already started. Normally by this time people are eating food from their fields, which is not the case this year. My greatest concern as a leader is for my pastors though I am concerned with everyone; church member or not.
Bishop Nessemani
As well, we have been made aware of a need in Nepal. The leader of the church in Nepal provided some description of the need.
I am so sorry to share with you that one of our BIC house churches in eastern Nepal was burned yesterday afternoon just after the worship service was over. There are 28 families including our 5 families in the village, houses and all belongings were burned. The fire caught on due to electric short circuits and within two hours of time all the houses were turned into ashes before the fire brigades arrived there. Matiyo BIC house fellowship in Rangeli Municipality is 45 km east of Biratnagar city yet it took two hours for the fire brigades to reach there. The entire house and most of their belongings were burned.
Now they do not have any shelter to live in and nothing left to eat except some burned rice and even most of their cooking vessels are damaged. Altogether more than 35 houses, including a church building, are completely destroyed. Since the fire happened in the daytime no human life and domestic animals were burned.
Some people from the neighbouring village and the local youth club members have provided food to the victims (120 people of 28 families) for the first couple of days. Other local organizations and local churches including BIC church Nepal have planned to provide one month’s food relief, utensil, cooking gas, a pair of clothes, beds, mattress, bed sheets and two plastic tents for temporary shelter to each family.
Please pray for all the fire victims and God may open the way specially to support our believers to rebuild their houses and the church building.
Shemlal Hembron
Thank you for considering a donation to this fund. Appeals for this fund are often made while the fund is being used to help the global family that is enduring significant hardship. The donations that come into the fund during an appeal may be used for the current disaster or are sometimes saved for the next need.